Wednesday, May 4, 2016

You Are Always On My Mind

I am no professional writer but like to write in my free time. Or in my 'busy' time.. Or lets just say whenever my mind feels the need to express itself.

The following is one such piece I had penned down during a similar random moment.

You are always on my mind

I am sitting on a airplane now
Travelling miles away from home
I turn on my music player only to play songs recorded in your voice
You are always on my mind

The cabin crew gives out safety instructions
I look at them blank only to be lost in thoughts of the times you ask me to travel safe with concerned eyes
You are always on my mind
They serve me in-flight refreshments
I dont feel like eating coz I dont have you to share it with
You are always on my mind

The plane prepares for landing
Visible down there are the glittering lights from the tall buildings which now appear minute
I am overwhelmed at the sight
But I miss the times when together we have cherished such lovely moments
You are always on my mind

There is not even a single moment when you are not on my mind
You are ALWAYS on my mind


  1. You have explained yourself a lot in this writing. If you really love "him", he is yours,"he" will always be there for you. :)

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